Saturday, November 27, 2010

April 23, 2007-November 26, 2010

This is a post I never wanted to write. Our baby boy passed away on Friday, November 26th at 5:25pm. He suffered a massive stroke and cardiac arrest that he could not fight back from. He tried so hard though. God needed a feisty little blond angel with a devious smile and bounds of energy to help him in heaven. I know he is wearing his buzz lightyear wings now. Drew was surrounded by his family and all the love you could imagine.
We love you to the moon and stars and back again and to infinity and beyond!
Drew Drew, "I lub you and adore you forever" Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Seizures or Heart Issues?

Drew has been having small episodes where he "faints". He turns very pale, becomes tired and for lack of a better medical word, passes out.
He had 2 episodes last week and now another one this morning. We called Dr. Orie and got him in right away to be seen. He had an EKG, and echo. Both came back fine. Right now it does not look like it is heart related but my gut feeling tells me it is.
He had an EEG yesterday because of the other episodes. I have tried to get a hold of Neurology and of course they are not quick to call you back or even give you guidance about what could be going on. Our wonderful pediatrician, Dr. Kanaley has tried to expedite the process by getting in touch and letting the Neuro Doctors know what the latest development has been. I hope we get answers soon. 3 maybe more episodes and no one but Dr. Kanaley and us seem to think this is a big problem.
I may have to call Strong hospital's Pediatric Neuro department and get a second opinion. I need to feel confident that we are going to get to the bottom of this.


Buzz lightyear and cowboy Woody to the rescue!
The boys have talked about Halloween since September. Drew has been firm that he wanted to be Buzz. He would only be the Buzz that had light up wings and was a "real buzz". Of course this meant that the costume he had to have was the most expensive. He truly is just like his Mom!

Apple farm

We went to the apple farm and had a great time. The boys love going each fall. They ride the train to the apple orchard and pick their apples. Drew eats at least 3-4 apples from the trees. He thinks he is so cool picking his own apples and putting them in his own bag. We came home with 4 large bags of apples and lots of apple cider, the boys favorite fall beverage!

Heart Walk

We participated in the American heart walk. We walked with Grammi and Papa as well as our new HLHS friends. it was amazing to find and meet all the CHD families that participated in the walk. My mended Little hearts friend and HLHS mom, Sibbohan (Mom to Joseph) put together a booth for us to hand out MLH information to parents. It was wonderful to meet the families. We actually met 4 families of boys with HLHS.
William and Joseph are the same age and hit it off right away. Drew joined in of course. Joseph and Drew wore their survivor shirts and red hats. It was sweet and also a reminder that both boys are miracles and prayers answered!

Neurology update

Well the Doctor said everything looks good with Drew and we will just continue to watch him.
I guess we will continue to monitor him.