Yesterday was 11 months since we lost Drew. I think about the months, days, and hours that led up to last Thanksgiving and then the blackest of all black Fridays. I can't shut my thoughts, images and sounds off in my mind, but yet it is so hard to remember what it's like to hold him, feel his hugs, and hear his voice. If I could change things in life the only thing I would obviously change is loosing Drew. One of his cardiac nurses asked me if I could go back and do it all over again would I? Would I endure the emotional rollercoaster of the pregnancy, the heartbreaking surgeries, daily medicines and multiple doctors appointments? Yes, all of those things have made me a different person. My son made me a better person. He was the strongest little boy and reminded me daily that life was precious and he was a gift. I would have gone through anything that I thought had a chance of saving him and giving him to us longer.
I was looking through photos and I came across this funny photo of Drew from exactly 1 year ago today. How drastically things have changed in 1 year.