Monday, September 26, 2011

10 Months

It has been 10 months today that you have been gone, Drew. Soon it will mark 1 year. I don't know how this time has passed, I still feel like I lost you just yesterday. Not much has changed in our house. Our family is still trying to cope with this loss and not having Drew physically here with us anymore. Will, Brian and I just get through each day, not with much enjoyment, more like we have to get through it. I have found that after watching my son die, there is not many minutes in a day that I can actually say I am happy, I am really happy. I think happiness left me the day that Drew went to heaven and I don't know if it is an emotion that will ever fully come back.
I am going to go now to the cemetery to water Drew's mum plant and check on things. That is just not supposed to be part of a mother's list of things to do.

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